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Hampton Lucy Church of England Primary School

Hampton Lucy CofE Primary School

Personal, Social & Health Education

Our aim is for the children to develop as respectful, responsible young people, who care for each other and the world in which they live. Developing healthy relationships and knowing where to go if they require further support. 


PSHE/RSE Co-ordinator Mrs Alison Steer


How we teach PSHE and RSE

At Hampton Lucy C of E Primary School, we base our PSHE and RSE curriculum on a ‘Goodness and Mercy’ for Church of England Schools. We also use the protective behaviours materials, developed by Warwickshire County Council and the Zones of Regulation resources.

At times, the curriculum is altered to support children with particular events that are occurring at that time. 


The topics we cover are outlined below


Autumn Term

Spring Term

Summer Term


New Beginnings

Getting on and falling out

Online Safety

Good to be Me!

Healthy me!

Looking after me and others

Friendships and growing up!

Protective Behaviour

Class 2 - cycle 

Safe and Active Travel

Zones of Regulation

Anti Bullying Week

Diverse Britain

Internet safety 

Money Matters


Protective behaviours

Class 2 - cycle 2

Safe and Active Travel

Zones of Regulation

Anti Bullying Week

Think Positive

Internet safety 

Digital Wellbeing

Protective behaviours

Growing up

Class 3 - cycle 1

Safe and Active Travel

Zones of Regulation

Anti Bullying Week

Aiming High

Internet safety 

Safety First

Protective behaviours and how our bodies change as we grow.

Diverse Britain

Class 3 - cycle 2

Zones of Regulation

Anti Bullying Week

One World

Internet safety 

Digital Wellbeing

Protective behaviours and how our bodies change as we grow.


Class 4 - cycle 1

Safe and Active Travel

Zones of Regulation

Anti Bullying Week

Diverse Britain

Internet safety

One World  

Protective behaviours

Aiming High

Year 6 relationship and sex education

Year 5 - Puberty

Class 4 - cycle 2

Zones of Regulation

Anti Bullying Week

Think Positive


Internet safety 

Digital Wellbeing

Protective behaviours

Safety First

Year 6 relationship and sex education

Drugs and alcohol education

Year 5 - Puberty