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Class Three Swimming
Year 3 and 4 have started the swimming for the year at Stratford Upon Avon Leisure Centre. They are enjoying swimming in the big pool with a few excited members taking the plunge into the deep end!
Swimming is an important life skill and as part of the PE curriculum children are expected to leave Year 6 swimming 25 meters. In the summer it will see the Year 5 and 6 children's turn.
New books for the library
Thanks to the ‘Hampton Lucy Educational Trust’ we have secured funding to enhance our well loved library with further books. We have supplemented white, lime and brown band books and created a dyslexia friendly section of the library. We have also invested in books and electronic resource ‘Word Shark’ to support children with dyslexia to improve our inclusive offer to help close the gap. We are very grateful for this support from the Trust and know this investment will have a positive impact on reading in the school.
Sports Hall Athletics - South Warwickshire Competition
Our Year 5 and 6 children went to Stratford Upon Avon High School on Wednesday 5th Feb to take part in the South Warwickshire Sports Hall Athletics. All the children took part in 3 or 4 different events including various running and jumping. Thanks to Mrs Steer who organised the team; Mrs Ratcliffe and Mr Gillette for helping on the afternoon. The children returned tired but happy having secured 3rd place overall. A full report will be shared at the end of term. Great job Class 4.
A message from the Stratford Upon Avon Foodbank
Dear Pupils, Staff and Parents from Hampton Lucy Primary School,
We would like to thank you so much for organising a Reverse Advent Christmas collection to Stratford upon Avon Foodbank.
We are incredibly grateful for your support and donations this Christmas time, particularly as we are in our busiest time of year with numbers of people using the foodbank on the increase. Your donation weighed in at 58.5kg which equates to £162.05 in monetary value to us. This really is a fantastic amount. Please can you extend our thanks and gratitude to everyone who donated and created such an impressive amount?
Ongoing support from schools like yours are vital in helping us in the fight against hunger and poverty locally. Together we can ensure that everyone can afford life's essentials and end the need for food banks.
Thank you for your continued support.
We have all had fun today in the snow. Memories made with our friends.
We have had a group of musicians come into school and share their talents and enthusiasm for Brass instruments. Classes 3 and 4 were able to listen to music performed and find out about the instruments. A very enjoyable afternoon and maybe inspired a few future brass players.
A huge thank you to our amazing Year 6 who pulled together and organised a super MacMillan coffee morning. The generous donations of cakes and biscuits for the event were appreciated by the parents and family members that came along and joined us for the morning. The children had got roles organised and supported each other to ensure everyone was involved. The tea and coffee makers worked hard and even the teaching staff benefitted from their barista skills. As there were plentiful cakes the year 6 made the decision to run an impromptu cake sale at the end of the day. Again they worked extremely hard as team to ensure they were all gone. All their efforts have been rewarded by raising nearly £190, fantastic!